A bad hire can hit a company’s bottom line hard, but the biggest concern employers have when hiring a bad fit is the toll it takes on employee morale. The average cost of a poor hiring decision is 30% of the employee’s annual salary.
Only 10% of a Person Can Be Seen During an Interview
Business owners and hiring managers are biased by many factors which impact the quality of the information. Assessments provide you with in-depth, objective, comprehensive and reliable information about people; far beyond what you could uncover through typical interviews. A job fit assessment like the ProfileXT® can help you determine how well a prospective employee fits a particular job in your company. Job-fit assessments are typically based on performance indicators, behavioral traits, interests and aptitudes. Managers often hire people because they’re hard-workers. This can be useless if their aptitudes and interests don’t match the requirements of a particular job. Use assessments to help you keep a narrow focus on the job requirements before considering more general personality traits.
How Can We Help?
We provide assessment solutions that help organizations select the right people for the right job and develop them to their full potential. We assist clients throughout all phases of the employee life cycle to enhance the productivity and performance of individuals, teams and organizations.
Our tools help organizations avoid talent management errors and wasted potential. Ensuring the perfect job match will lead to improved performance, focused direction, elevated commitment, new ideas and initiatives and increased job satisfaction.
Our Job Matching Solutions
ProfileXT® is a best-in-class talent assessment tool that matches people with their strengths; measuring factors that mark the difference between success and failure in specific jobs. ProfileXT® helps organizations put the right person in the right position, allowing them to maximize their potential and utilize their talent without limitations.
The average replacement cost of a new hire can equal one third of the individual’s annual salary. For example, a bad hire earning $50,000 a year would cost you $16,500 in incremental costs to replace the candidate. It’s worth the investment to use assessments that will help you hire the right person.
Call us for now for a FREE consultation: 416-540-9296.