Be Bold. Be Beautiful. Belong.

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Networking has become a must. Whether you are looking for a job or looking to grow your business. Today, 70% – 80% of jobs are not made public. Not all positions are advertised openly or even posted online. That is to say, a large percentage of business is done through referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations.
Give. Then Get

We live in a world of ‘ask’. Social Media has compounded our ability to ask: we ask on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Take a look at Paul C. Brunson’s short and to-the-point blog post, “It’s Called Networking, Not Using.”
In it, he talks about how he gets daily emails asking for introductions to Oprah (he does a lot of work with her) and his advice.
“The most successful relationships I have built are with people I do more for than they do for me. I give, give, give, give, give, then ask.”

Treat Your Business Card Like Gold

Joel Bauer, Speaker and Coach, sells his business card for $1000. People crave to get one from him!
The message here is: treat your business card like gold. Don’t give it away frivolously. Getting your business card has to be meaningful. It has to be the beginning of a lasting relationship!

Build Win-Win Relationships

Potential clients or employers need time to get to know, like and trust you.  Spend time doing your research so you can network with your target market. It’s important to strategically pick and choose networking opportunities. Plan to attend networking functions where you can connect directly with your target market or with people who can introduce you to your target market.
Networking that produces long-term business-building results is not about meeting a lot of people; it’s about meeting the right people.
It’s about being authentic, being bold and belong. It’s about building win-win relationships over the long haul.

If you are a small business and would like to stop losing time and money on future hiring mistakes, tweet me on TWITTER, like me on FACEBOOK join me on LINKED IN – and let’s talk. 


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