Ask Your Employees for Help. They Too Have Great Ideas!

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Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends research shows that 78% of business leaders’ rate retention and engagement urgent or important. The issue of “engaging people well” is becoming one of the biggest competitive differentiators in business.

The influx of millennials is forcing business owners to re-think the concept of engagement.

Engage Your Employees “The New Way”

Employees who feel their thoughts and ideas will be heard are more likely to share their ideas and embody your business’ values and cultural norms. If you allow them to try new things, they will! You have heard the adage “if you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results”. Let your employees work differently and watch the results! If the results are more profitable for your business, recognize them! Empowering employees means embracing change.

Make Real-Time Feedback a Practice

Don’t wait for a special day to come to applaud the good work. Be sure to recognize the courage of the employee to do things differently. Recognize his/her sense of ownership. This will, in turn, increase employee engagement. Other people will hear about it and will be encouraged to do the same.

Reward Risks and Encourage Failure

Create an environment where failure is accepted and encouraged. This will help nurture a relationship where trust, togetherness and constructive criticism are valued and appreciated. This will have a great impact on engagement. Appreciate risk-takers and innovators to spur innovation in the workplace. Employees will be more engaged if their job allows them to be creative, innovate and if it helps to unlock the potential in them.

When employees feel safe and comfortable, they are more productive. They may even be more willing to step outside their comfort zone. When that risk pays off, they will feel a sense of achievement and you will see an increase in engagement. You need to set the tone to enable your employees to learn and give them opportunities to develop.

When It Comes To HR, It’s Better to Know Us Before You Need Us.

 f you are a small business and would like to stop losing time and money on future hiring mistakes, tweet me on TWITTER, like me on FACEBOOK join me on LINKED IN – and let’s talk. 


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