90 days to succeed in your new job

Blog located in Coaching & Mentoring, Hiring & Employment posted on

The actions you take within the first 90 days of a new job will largely determine whether you succeed or fail. It’s a time of great vulnerability, since you hardly know anyone and still have questions about your new job. If you don’t create some momentum during this period, you’ll face great difficulties.

There are ways to smooth this transition and demonstrate to your employer that he made the right choice in hiring you. Let me share some key points.

Be your own promoter

When I say this, I don’t mean hiring your own publicist. I mean moving on from your former employer and mentally preparing yourself to transition to the new company. The worst case is importing the old ways you believe contributed to your success. Isn’t it true that these same successes got you the job? Yes indeed. But hanging on to your old ways at all costs will lead you to failure.

Accelerate your learning

You have to climb the learning curve very quickly. This means understanding company inside and out. You must quickly understand its markets, products, technologies, systems and structures, as well as culture and internal company policies. Becoming familiar with a new company is like drinking water from a garden hose without choking. You must be systematic; target what you need to learn and learn fast.

Get fast results

Make progress, get results and reap the benefits. In doing so, you’ve already demonstrated credibility and created a positive momentum. You must find ways to create value, generate positive financial results and quickly reach the breakeven point.

Quickly develop a relationship with your boss

You must find a way to quickly develop a good relationship with your boss and manage their expectations. To do this, you must carefully plan more strategic conversations that focus on his expectations, his leadership style, available resources, as well as your personal development. In short, develop and reach consensus on your plan for your first 90 days.

Your new job transition will be successful if you manage to address these key challenges. However, failing to overcome them would be enough to second-guess the choice of hiring you and hinder your success.



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