The Secrets of Small Business Human Resource Management

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Recruitment is such a critical role for small businesses. Having a good team in place fuels growth.  But recruitment challenges will prevent growth and are very costly. Knowing how to do recruitment well is imperative for successful business owners.

Last week, we shared how expensive poor recruitment can be for small businesses.  This week we are going to explore the Success Factors that every business owner needs in order to attract the absolute best people.

1. The Small Business Recruitment Process

Small business needs efficiency and speed, especially when staffing up!  To be fast and efficient, it’s vital to create a foundation, which is essentially a process and a plan to find and hire the type of people you need. Human Resource Consultants specialize in putting repeatable HR processes in place, which are geared to the needs of their client.  Once in place, the process needs only minimal changes for the various roles you be recruiting now and in the future.

A highly valuable tool is the Recruitment Script. A great Recruitment Script will have questions that cover the core areas such as:

  • Does a candidate have the background and education for the job in question?
  • Have they performed similar work in the past and what was their degree of performance?
  • What are their values?
  • Do they culturally fit?
  • What are their motivations for being interested in this opportunity?
  • What stage are they at in the process, and their salary expectations?

The Recruitment Script is made up of the best questions to probe the competence of the candidate. This script becomes a backbone to the recruitment process. It allows you to delegate and manage the recruitment process. It provides consistency, as well as enables team members to collaborate on the recruitment process. And it brings a level of standardization in what is being measured across the candidates being considered.  In this way, you get more points of view in candidate selection, and know that everyone is measuring the same thing.

2. The Deep Value of the HR Consultant

The HR Consultant has years of experience to hone and perfect all of the elements that make up a solid HR recruitment process. They will save you time and money by providing you with insights specific to your business which will enable you to perfect your HR Recruitment Process and hire great people that stay and contribute to your business success.  Would you like to know more about how the HR Consultant can help make your recruitment more productive and successful?

It has been proven many times over that hiring the right fit positively affects performance, eliminates costly mistakes in hiring, and lessens turnover rates. When your team is a fit for your business, they will speak highly of their employer and their job. In today’s highly social world, it’s much easier for you to attract more great-fit employees as you grow.

In a study performed by Gallup, they discovered that hiring the right fit meant much more than business owners’ imagined. In this study for a childcare company, background checks were simply not enough to find the best fit candidates. Gallup discovered they needed more formal HR consulting techniques, such as: background checks, talent assessments, and psychometric assessments in order to ensure they were engaging with best fit employees.[1]   Take a look at the upside they enjoyed with an strong recruitment process tailored to their needs as a company and an employer:

  • 63% fewer employee and customer problems
  • 147% happier customers
  • 78% customer retention rate
  • 93% recommendation rate

In this study, Gallup proves that a customized and thorough recruitment process is vital for the success of a business. This is where a Human Resource Consultant delivers huge value and savings to their clients.

Today, many businesses must revamp or restructure for various reasons. The profile of the ideal employee shifts and changes as a result. Professional Human Resource Consultants minimize the transition pain and associated costs, which helps the company in transition to attract and maintain the best employees to match their new culture, values, and vision.

3. Translating Who You Are Into The People You Need

As a business owner, it’s important to clearly define the culture and vision for your team. Your company’s culture will become a guide or motivation for employee productivity, efficiency, and success. Therefore, it’s imperative to hire only candidates that are aligned with your culture. The HR Consultant will assist in articulating culture in a way that is authentic, and then ensure that these traits are screened and identified during the recruitment process.  This is the Number One Success Factor! It is the ability to hire people who FIT your business.  Businesses that are growing learn very early that an HR Consultant is an essential component to getting a high performing recruitment process in place! The time and cost are quickly recovered.  The ROI on these professionals is very strong, particularly in today’s rapidly changing business world.

Is it time for your business to tap into the benefits of a Human Resource Consultant?

[1] Case Study Hiring and Engaging Talent Puts Company Back … – Gallup


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